Thursday, May 26, 2011


 Religious woman in Sarajevo, Capital of Bosnia & herzegovina
 Saw my first mosque
 During the surrounding of Serbia on Sarajevo alot of people got killed and they had to be buried inside the city.
 it's really hart taking to see the public park that carry's the scars of former human misunderstanding
 What is this i asked my self?
 Scarfs on the facade of buildings is often seen.
 Sarajevo, truly a magical city with alot of culture and lively spirit
 Some monastery on the way to serbia.
 Pfff, amazing atmosphere @ camping serbia, Totaly abandoned. time for a campfire : )
Posing with the magic Van , from left to right:
martito " spanisch flame ", lucie " lille", gabie " bordeaux", ibon " bilbao", camille " bordeaux ", me, danny " the legend ", izge " turkey"
enjoying the weather : ) with some mucical vibes
Mother teresa was born in Skopje, capital of macedonia
ezero kozjak, magical vibes on the lake with boat. I'l never forget the moment.
like i said.
the caves. pfff
i dont have to tell you again. : )
ohrid lake, traditional architecture.
Me and the dreamcar
Ohrid, bleu water, white snowy mountains, green canyons , and 3 countries on one lake. magical
You get the message?
freaky architecture
magical again
The castle with Chica Guapa and Macedonian flag

When we arrived  @ albania we just didn't felt calm, I don't now why but i think the Thousand of bunkers had something to do with it.
Tirana , capital of Albania. Amazing city. you really feal that the country was so long isolated from the rest of europe. Everything feels so Asia. i loved it alot. The country of the Mercedes, bunkers and really helpful people
the crazy crew ono the wall
amazing architecture with alot of colours, In times of Communism the city was full with concete buildings. These times the paint made it a paradise.
Amazing food, I really can say that this was my best Gastronomic moment for the best price ever in the trip. we orderd alot of different dishes.
Albania in every way
the good life
Portrets of culture in the south and the north, guess who is from where.
A Legend in Tirana, A famous bike repair man. i Love the guy already and i didn't spoke to him.
The girls and the wall
the New father who takes care of the children during the day, amazing
Good morning Monte negro
Lake skadar, natural bourder between Albania and Monte Negro.
Monte Negro, truly amazing nature
Inland Monte Negro
The coast

Svetni stefani. a Architectural wonder that finds his roots around the 13 century. To bad the island is Now one of the most luxuries Hotels of the adriatic sea. We couldn't enter even if we told them we where Architects with Alot of Interest. Don't forget the magic sandwish with Gorizo from martitotje her mom. thanx
Martito and Me
Durmitor national park. one of Monte Negro's wonders, To bad the weather was not revealing the beaty.
nice conditions
Pivo canyon. pivo means bear in the balkan.
the black lake
that is  green to.
Taking the bad Road to the Highest canyon of Europe. 1300 meters of high mountains surrounding a river. the way up there was freaky.
Why not pull the car with some human power. ice can be slipy
Kotor, An ancient city in the bay of Kotor at Monte Negro
My best picture of the trip, some painter was painting this image and i took a quick snap. amazing combination of colours and light.
the castle
the view
preparing for swimming with martito
sunset with a room
legendary Dubrovnik. a trade city of the roman empire. Croatia, A magical city.
the palm tree and the scary wall
the harbour
city of light : Architecture
pirates of the adriatic sea
Amazing building, really a pearl
island hvar---- camping------ good morning pick nick ------erasmus cooking
tent with a view
my first island Hvar, the island with the most sun hours of Croatia

Smart man who is predicting the weather in Split, An other ancient Roman city.
the City wall

Amazing how the roman's could bring politics in to a public square.
dream of the city
mysterious, what is this woman waitin for?
old man with glasses
This is a picture!!!!!!
Martito and the minion
National park pltivicka jezera, amazing waterfalls with fresh pure water.

deep bleu lake

the waterfall

just nature

1 comment:

  1. Oh zo crazy mooi daar, me jealous!
    Amuseer u nog en verwacht u aan een pintje alsje terug bent!
    :) Beau
